
Violent crime, ethnic tensions, and frequent protests have led to an expansion of the private security sector in Guinea. Currently 417 private security companies (PSCs) exist in Guinea and are regulated primarily by Decree No. D/108/PRG of 13 Julz 1998. PSCs fall under the authority of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection.

Main law regulating private security: DECREE NO. D/108/PRG OF 13 JULY 1998 (NO PUBLICLY AVAILABLE TEXT COULD BE FOUND)

Key Information

Guinea is not a participant to the Montreux Document.

Sector Size (2019)
  • 417 PSCs (117 are functional)
Can PSC personnel carry firearms?
  • Unknown
International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA)
  • ICoCA Member State: No
  • ICoCA Company Members: 0
  • ICoCA CSO Members: 0
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
  • Voluntary Principles State Member: No


Guinea, especially the capital city Conakry, reports a relatively violent security environment, consisting of armed robberies, car jackings, break ins and muggings, which are becoming increasingly common throughout the country, especially at night. Violent crime is sometimes carried out by individuals wearing police or military uniforms. Additionally, ethnic tensions are an issue in Guinea. In the past, there have been instances of ethnic violence in parts of the country that have resulted in many deaths. Demonstrations, protests and political rallies also occur regularly in Guinea, often in response to domestic political developments or around elections. Protests occasionally lead to violence or clashes with security forces. Guinea also shares borders with several unstable countries, creating additional security challenges, including terrorist threats and arms trafficking.

In response to these issues, the private security sector has undergone considerable expansion over the past twenty years, characterized both by a rapid increase in its business volume and by the no less significant diversification of its activities. Private security companies (PSCs) in Guinea generally provide services such as guarding, surveillance, patrolling, and guarding or protecting persons, property or premises. However, the operations of PSCs are not sufficiently regulated by the Guinean government. 

Legal Framework

In Guinea, the private security sector is regulated by:

  • Decree No D/ 108/PRG of 13 July 1998 regulating the activities of surveillance, guarding, cash transport and protection of persons.
  • Decree No. 5857/MS/Cab/98 of 07 August 1998 on the use of equipment, uniforms and badges of security companies, guards, cash transport and personal protection companies.
  • Decree No. 5858/MS/Cab/98 of 07 August 1998 on the administrative authorisation of companies for surveillance, security, cash transport and personal protection.

Unfortunately, these decrees do not contain enough rules and principles to guide the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection in the exercise of its power to protect workers. Questions of law and liability should normally be resolved, at least in part, by this decree and these orders.  The sector is therefore not subject to any strict regulations. Policy makers should take into consideration some important issues generated by self-regulation such as recruitment, training, social protection of workers, physical security.


For private security agents, several challenges exist for the proper regulation and operation of private security companies in Guinea. Many Guineans thinks that the knowledge of human rights by security agents and poor working conditions of security agents are both serious issues. Additionally, many think that improving collaboration between private and public security would be a positive development.

Challenges to regulating the operations of PSCs remains a major issue to be resolved. Many PSC managers see challenges emerging from the lack of proper training, regulation, subsidies, and work equipment. Additionally, some managers favour the strengthening of security agent capacities. All these issues listed could, at least in part, be mitigated by proper regulation of the industry. 

Members of the Private Security Governance Observatory

  • Centre du Commerce International pour le Développement (CECIDE)
  • Référence Humanitaire et Environnementale (REFHUENV)