
Private security sector has played an important role in in the fight against insecurity and creating thousands of jobs in Cameroon. The legislative and regulatory framework for private security activities in Cameroon is quite extensive. Despite this legal framework, there are still more than one hundred companies in activity while only nine have presidential approval. Therefore, the sector is criticized for its regulatory framework and its lack of efficient implementation of sector regulations.

Main law regulating private security: DECREE NO. 2005/031 OF FEBRUARY 2, 2005

Key Information

Cameroon is not a participant to the Montreux Document.

Sector Size (2016)
  • 9 legal PSCs; 100+ illegal PSCs[i]
  • 7,000 PSC personnel [ii]
Can PSC personnel carry firearms?
No * Decree No. 2005/031, art. 23
International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA)
  • ICoCA Member State: No
  • ICoCA Company Members: 0
  • ICoCA CSO Members: 0
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
  • Voluntary Principles State Member: No


The private security sector in Cameroon has been reported as having provided multiple positive effects. The sector was recognized as a significant support to public security forces in the fight against insecurity. It has also become a major employer in the country, contributing to lowering the unemployment rate by creating thousands of jobs.

Despite these positive effects, the private security sector in Cameroon suffers from major challenges. A large majority of PSCs operating in the country are not registered nor licenses, damaging the credibility of PSCs who do comply with regulations. The existence of PSCs outside the control of the government constitutes a major challenge for human rights in Cameroon in a context that includes various social tensions, terrorism, and insecurity.

Legal Framework

Cameroun’s first law regulating private security, Law No. 97/021, was passed in 1977. Since then, the regulatory framework for PSCs in Cameroon has become rather restrictive, including various laws and decrees regulating PSC activities. Despite this legal framework, PSCs continue to operate in anonymity and outside the law.


A report by the civil society organisation ’Collectif camerounais des organisations des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie (COCODHD)’ identified various challenges confronting the private security sector in Cameroon, including but not limited to the following:

  • Lack of transparency on the part of the government in granting authorisation;
  • The regulation of PSCs does not clearly provide for the principles of fundamental rights and the respect of human rights;
  • The restrictive definition of PSCs by the law excludes cash-in-transit and escort companies;
  • Despite the increasing number of companies providing security services, a public registry does not exist;
  • The weak monitoring mechanism for PSCs from the inter-ministerial commission charged with reviewing applications, monitoring, and regulating PSCs;
  • Certain PSCs not respecting norms and codes of conduct;
  • It is difficult to prove the responsibility of PSCs in cases of complaint from communities or individuals affected by PSC activities.  

Members of the Private Security Governance Observatory

  • Communication pour le développement  de Marouna (MARCODEV)
  • Consortium des ONG/ Association Synergies Développement (SYDEV)
  • Ligue des droits et libertés (LDL)
  • Ligue du Nord pour la Promotion et la Défense de la Démocratie des Droits de l’Homme et des Libertés  (LNDH)
  • Les amis du droit (ADD)
  • Association pour la promotion du respect de la dignité humaine (APRODIH)
  • Save Africa
  • Groupement des femmes des collectivites publiques locales (GFECOP)
  • Action citoyenne integre
  • Collectif Camerounais des Organisations des Droits de l’Homme et de la Démocratie (COCODHD)

[i] Collectif camerounais des organisations des droits de l'homme et de la democratie (COCODHD), “Document d’information gouvernance des entreprises de la sécurité privée au Cameroun”, May 2019.

[ii] Moki Edwin Kindzeka, “Cameroon Clamps Down on Private Security Firms” VOA News, 16 September 2016.