Call for Proposals for the 2019 Security and Human Rights Grant

Call for Proposals for the 2019 Security and Human Rights Grant

The Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) is pleased to launch today and for the second year now, the Security and Human Rights Grant 2019.

In 2016, DCAF set up the Security and Human Rights Implementation Mechanism (SHRIM), which works with a multiplicity of actors (business, governments and civil society organisations) to support the implementation of security and human rights good practices. One way that the SHRIM engages is through supporting local actors in promoting good practices. We launch this Grant acknowledging the important role of local organisations in the dialogue on business and SSR/G as well as in the implementation of security and human rights in their country.

The Security and Human Rights Grant will award two to three innovative projects put forward by civil society organizations based in the Global South that will contribute to the implementation of security and human rights good practices on the ground.

For this edition of the Grant, we require applicants to focus on one or more of the following topics:

  • Gender, Security and Human Rights; and/or
  • Human Rights Defenders and Security; and/or
  • Media as a tool to promote dialogue towards better security and human rights implementation.

All documents in relation to this call for proposals are available here in English, French and Spanish. The call for proposals is open until the 15 November 2019.

Feel free to share it with your networks and partners around the world, as it can increase the opportunities for local actors to access to finance and overall improve the implementation of good practices in the security sector around the world.

For more information and updates about future grants and the work of the SHRIM, you can subscribe here to the Security and Human Rights Newsletter.