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Launch event of the publication “Private Security Governance Challenges and the Relevance of International Norms and Best Practices: A Guide for Civil Society and Media, KENYA” and its related online training tool

Launch event of the publication “Private Security Governance Challenges and the Relevance of International Norms and Best Practices: A Guide for Civil Society and Media, KENYA” and its related online training tool.

Des membres de l'Observatoire visitent les bureaux du DCAF

Le 7 décembre, des membres de l'Observatoire d'Afrique de l'Ouest, centrale et australe ont visité le bureau du DCAF.


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  • Women Action Towards Economic Development (WATED)Founded by seven women of different professions, Women Action Towards Entrepreneurship Development (WATED) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered, on 5 September 2013.
  • West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP)The West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) is a leading Regional Peacebuilding organization founded in 1998 in response to civil wars that plagued West Africa in the 1990s.
  • Volontaires Du Monde  (VDM ASBL)Notre objectif poursuivi est la promotion et la protection de l’enfant, de la femme, des droits humains, la protection civile et l’amélioration de leur environnement  social, culturel, mode de vie ainsi que la promotion de la paix et préservation de l’env
  • Ummah Support Initiative (USI)The Ummah Support Initiative (USI) is a faith-based organization involve in advocacy, policy and human right of citizens in Nigeria, we do our through collaboration with relevant stakeholders who work education, health and human rights.
  • Triple Justice FoundationTriple Justice Foundation is a non-governmental organization registered to promote efficient criminal justice institutions that will guarantee the speedy dispensation of balance justice.
  • The Usalama Reforms Forum Usalama Reforms Forum is a community safety and security based institution working through evidence-based research focusing on crime and violence prevention.
  • Syndicat National des Convoyeurs de Fonds et Agents de Sécurité du Sénégal (SYNACOFAS)Le Syndicat National des Convoyeurs de Fonds et Agents de Sécurité est une organisation professionnelle qui a été crée le 17 novembre 2007 et a obtenu son récépissé le 23 mai 2012.
  • SolidaritésCréée en mai 2012, Solidarités est une association sans but lucratif, apolitique et non confessionnelle à caractère socio-humanitaire.
  • Société Internationale Pour les Droits de l'Homme SENEGALLa SIDH Sénégal est une section de la Société Internationale pour les Droits de l’Homme dont le Secrétariat International est basé à Frankfort (Allemagne).
  • Sierra Leone Network on the Right to Food (SiLNoRF)SiLNoRF is a network of 15 civil society organisations working to promote the right to food and responsible governance of land tenure in the context of food security in Sierra Leone.