Launch event of the publication “Private Security Governance Challenges and the Relevance of International Norms and Best Practices: A Guide for Civil Society and Media, KENYA” and its related online training tool

Launch event of the publication “Private Security Governance Challenges and the Relevance of International Norms and Best Practices: A Guide for Civil Society and Media, KENYA” and its related online training tool

The Launch event of the publication “Private Security Governance Challenges and the Relevance of International Norms and Best Practices: A Guide for Civil Society and Media, Kenya” was held in Nairobi on the 1st of April 2022 and had in attendance representatives from the Swiss embassy, Civil society and Media representatives, private security industry actors as well as representatives of Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA). The event laid emphasis on the role of civil society and media’s oversight functions for the Private Security Industry in Kenya, on the key role private security will held during the upcoming elections and the necessity to ensure its oversight and accountability adequately.

Take the online training HERE.

Access the Guide HERE.