Ummah Support Initiative (USI)

Ummah Support Initiative (USI)

National Mosque Office, Complex Central Business District Area, FCT- Abuja


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The Ummah Support Initiative (USI) is a faith-based organization involve in advocacy, policy and human right of citizens in Nigeria, we do our through collaboration with relevant stakeholders who work education, health and human rights.

USI work with relevant Ministry Department and Agencies (MDAs) on issues of human rights, education, health and security, our concern is to see a society where everyone is treated equitably and justly.

As an organization we are interested in what happens with the security of our nation and have at various times interfaced with the security sector, especially the private security personnel and their managers with the objective of understanding their knowledge on human rights of citizens as they carry out their activities in Nigeria.

In Northern Nigeria there are hundreds if not thousands of private security guards operating with the mandate to protect lives and properties without basic knowledge of basic human rights, we bring these entities together and educate them about human rights of citizens.

USI intervention has led to better treatment of citizens by private security personnel in northern Nigeria, however the work has just begun due to the  number of  private security  that’s operates in the region