Endorois Welfare Council (EWC)

Endorois Welfare Council (EWC)

P.O.BOX 921-20100, Nakuru - Kenya

(+254) 721 549 649


Site Web


Endorois Welfare Council (EWC) is a registered community-based organization, established in 1996. It was founded by senior members of the Endorois indigenous minority community living in the Lake Bogoria area of Baringo, Marigat, and Mogotio districts of Baringo County, as well as in Nakuru and Laikipia Counties within the Rift Valley Province of Kenya.


The EWC seeks to empower the indigenous and minority to advocate for their social, economic and political rights with special attention to vulnerable groups such as women and children within the community.


Twenty years down the road, EWC is building on the gains achieved through organizational focus and strategic partnership in order to move towards its vision; that of being an organization that effectively advocates for social justice and sustainable wholesome development of the Endorois and other marginalized communities in Kenya.